PixiJS Particle Emitter - Move Path

As a geek, I find Move Path super fun one to play with. It allows generation of each particle’s y-position mathematically via the particle’s x-position.


Move Path Behavior Examples:

Move Path behavior configuration (including all three emitters here)

// First
  type: "movePath",
  config: {
    path: x => -10 * Math.floor(x / 100),
    speed: {
      list: [{value: 10, time: 0}, {value: 100, time: 0.25}, {value: 450, time: 1}],
    minMult: 0.1

// Second
  type: "movePath",
  config: {
    path: "cos(x/100) * 30.0 + 10.0 * random()",
    speed: {
      list: [{value: 10, time: 0}, {value: 100, time: 0.25}, {value: 450, time: 1}],
    minMult: 0.1

// Third
  type: "movePath",
  config: {
    path: "sin(x/10) * x / 15 + 5.0 * random()",
    speed: {
      list: [{value: 10, time: 0}, {value: 100, time: 0.25}, {value: 450, time: 1}],
    minMult: 0.1

PixiJS Particle Emitter: The Unauthorized Manual